Lakehead University Dance Team Teachers
The Teachers
Interested in joining our team? Here are the roles and responsibilities of a LUDT Drop-In Teacher:
Have access to a device and space to dance
Choreograph and teach a minimum of 1, 1 hour Drop-In Class each month (September-April).
Determine the style, difficulty level, date and time of the class (with approval of Executive Team)
Send a video of completed choreography to Captains at least 24 hours prior to scheduled class
Adapt choreography and teaching methods to meet students’ needs
Maintain open communication with the LUDT Executive Team regarding any dance team matters.
Attend and participate in virtual Drop-In Class meetings hosted by Executive Team (once monthly)
Be a positive role model for LUDT members
Please note that this is a volunteer position, but all LUDT Teachers will be provided with a LUDT Membership allowing them to attend unlimited Drop-In classes for the 2020/2021 school year.

Kyra Lavoie
Co-Captain and Drop-In Teacher
Kyra has been a member of the LUDT since 2017 and is excited to be Co-Captain for the second year. Kyra's teaching specialties include tap, contemporary, hip-hop, and jazz.

Kayla Theriault
Co-Captain & Drop-In Teacher
Kayla has been a member of the LUDT since 2017 and is excited to be Co-Captain for the second year. Kayla's teaching specialties include jazz, lyrical and hip-hop.